Scott's : Breaking News

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September 25, 2008 Breaking News

Poll: Crisis boosts Obama in Michigan

Thu, 25 Sep 2008 10:19:43 PDT
The Wall Street financial crisis has deepened Michigan voters' economic anxieties, a factor that appears to have boosted Democrat Barack Obama in the presidential race here, according to the latest Detroit News-WXYZ Action News Poll.

World News-World Infomation

Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:11:04 PDT
World News-World Infomation-Business,News_Society,Home_Family,Food,Drink,Health,Fitness,Finance,Computers,Technology,Arts,Entertainment,Communications,Women's_Interests, lawyers

All Headline News (AHN) Opens New York and Washington D.C. News Bureaus

Mon, 20 Nov 2006 00:00:01 PST
West Palm Beach, FL (PRWEB) November 20, 2006 -- As part of a planned expansion program, All Headline News (AHN) has announced that it is opening two offices and news bureaus to expand news coverage...

Study of the top search trends with Indian perspecive

Wed, 24 Sep 2008 21:32:48 PDT
Whats going on in the search industry recently?Well a lot, but to get a bird's eye view here are some of the graphs and illustrations via Google Trends ( strange thing is that it does not include itself, but lets move forward)

Indian Social Networking Trends

Wed, 24 Sep 2008 18:55:20 PDT
I've to say upfront that I'm a keen observer of Social Media, which by now must be quite evident if you're a regular to this blog. If not then I may have something interesting for you. So keeping with the blog post, I keep a track about what's hot & what's not in Social Media and much so in Social Networking especially in India.

US News Expands The Ranking Service

Tue, 14 Aug 2007 08:14:05 PDT
US News&World Report, an authoritative source for US university rankings has launched an auto ranking website in what seems to be an expansion move towards a general online ranking service.

Gene Expression: Graphs on the death of Marxism, postmoderni

Thu, 25 Sep 2008 11:38:17 PDT
Some quick remarks about academic trends regarding topics mentioned in the title.

I kissed a girl

Thu, 25 Sep 2008 06:07:32 PDT
What is it with all these gals kissing gals? Sun Media Sex Files writer says there's a lot more to the trend than just kissing... Click the link to find out more.

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