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2:23 PM

Jerry Seinfeld cheats death in his 1967 fiat btm

Source- Adelaide Now

Jerry Seinfeld cheats death in his 1967 fiat btm

Jerry Seinfeld has had a lucky escape in his 1967 fiat btm after his brakes failed on his classic car. As the brakes failed the coupe rolled over, however Seinfeld managed to cheat death and walk away without a scratch.

The accident happened early Saturday morning at East Hampton, his wife Jessica said �He was a little shocked when he walked in and it started to dawn on him what happened;� she also added �I was extremely relieved and grateful and I�m feeling very lucky that nothing happened.�

Jerry Seinfeld was alone in his 1967 fiat btm as he was driving he suddenly felt his brakes go bad, however according to Police Chief Todd Sarris Jerry managed to keep his head even after his emergency brake also failed. Thankfully Seinfeld pulled his wheel to the right so that he could miss the oncoming traffic. The 1967 fiat btm then rolled over and come to a complete stop.

Sarris said �His actions probably avoided a very serious accident,� he then added �I think he was a little shaken up, with justification.�

Source- Adelaide Now

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