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Current News for April 30, 2008

Link Grounds - Buy a word and redefine it to your website!

Wed, 30 Apr 2008 02:35:34 PDT
Link Grounds is a new web 2.0 link directory where you can buy daily latest google trend keywords for your darling, family and pets.

Let’s Get Over Jeremiah Wright

Wed, 30 Apr 2008 06:43:58 PDT
Alright, America, it’s time to have a frank discussion regarding the current controversy surrounding Pastor Jeremiah Wright. For weeks now we’ve all seen the same video clips circulating the internet and the nightly news: Barack Obama’s former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, comparing the United States to Al Qaeda and enthusiastically declaring ...

The Future of the Internet - according to the experts

Wed, 30 Apr 2008 04:11:01 PDT
Exactly 15 years ago the directors at the lab where the web was first developed signed a document which said the technology could be used by anyone free of charge.That decision was instrumental in making the web truly world wide. BBC News talks to some of the leading figures in the web community about their hopes for the future of the web.

Excellent Resource on Electric And Hybrid Cars

Tue, 29 Apr 2008 15:38:11 PDT
We all know that something needs to be done about the state of our environment. After all, if we continue the trend that we have started of polluting and damaging the world around us, it may not be able to continue to provide us with the healthy elements we require for a healthy life.

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